

Notes to myself: Start with something. Let yourself be inspired and then stay attached to it but leave room for your process. Invite carefully and stay on track. Learn how to communicate a vision or idea. Remember you’re being vulnerable. So be as steel and let yourself go. Then get in the shower and wash the day away.



I know that my mother has always been sad about something in life, but this time she has a sadness in her eyes. It’s a real thing.

I rode down that hill very fast on my bicycle, like I usually do, but this time it was especially refreshing and I felt that I needed it.

There’s so much to keep up with in the world and yet I just wanted to be sure that I’m treating people well and with love.

Some nod there heads yes and some nod no with their eyes closed. And then they are frowning at how magnificent the piece is and some have straight lips that slowly turn to a smile. Some mouth bah bah bah as they know the piece and others just have surprised faces.